Wizard of Oz, Hegel, Eco, and Sherlock Holmes

Wizard of Oz, Hegel, Eco, and Sherlock Holmes

Sometimes the greatest dialectical problem is that heroes and villains are not pure characters anymore than Kansas is a utopia. The scariest thing about the past is that it may not have been a result as Hegelian as a storyline, and so neither will be the future. It turns out, if one follows the story, that the Emerald City was run by a fraud with no real plan and just a handful of pieties. The unplanned future not yet seen may be nothing but a banal lurching, exhausted slouch toward a run down carnival park led by mixed up characters. Umberto Eco, John Kennedy Toole, Kurt Vonnguet, and Kafka illustrate this quite well in their stories. Sherlock Holmes, the criminal detective, as character was always more interested in the semiotics of the scene than the dronings of the players.

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