Category Archives: Criminal Defense

Wayne Goralski, Attorney at Law.

Reckless Driving

A reckless driving offense in Houston can result in serious penalties if an individual is convicted of this serious traffic violation, including a jail sentence, points on the driver’s record, increased car insurance rates and surcharges. A person can be charged with reckless driving for excessive speeds over the speed limit, driving under the influence […]

Cost of not Making Bail

If you are arrested in Harris County, it is best to make bond as soon as possible. Some defendants decide it is cheaper to stay in jail. However, the statistics show a startling fact, those who do not make bail are more likely to be convicted, make worse plea bargains, and serve longer sentences in […]

Criminal Defense Basic Right

First rule: Every sentient being has a right to defend itself. This is a principal that many legal philosophers would consider basic to Natural Law. So, in our system of rights, the implementation of Positive Law, we recognize both the concept of self-defense -the right to defend oneself- and the right of a defendant not […]

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